戴振宏 研究团队


戴振宏: 教授




























目前,我们课题组每年招收2位硕士研究生,研究生待遇(不包括学校待遇):800元/月/人,一年发12个月,发表论文按照论文绩点给与额外奖励。多年来,课题组共主持和参与了包括国家重大基础研究“973”计划,国家自然科学基金,山东省自然科学基金,山东省中青年科学家奖励基金在内的20余项国家和省部级课题的研究工作。由于在低维纳米体系以及材料热电特性的研究中取得了丰硕的成果,多次被邀请参加国际学术会议,以及国际合作研究,并在2004年被美国加州大学Balandin教授邀请参与撰写由美国物理学会赞助,美国科技出版社出版的《Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Nanodevices》一书中的12章。



1.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 二维强非谐材料中电声耦合的非谐重整及相关电子动力学研究,(12174327) 2022.01-2025.12。 主持




4.国家自然科学基金青年基金,二维硼纳米材料及其衍生物的电声耦合作用的理论研究(11704322)201801-202012主持, 结题










  1. 基于第一性原理的新能源材料中有机分子和掺杂及缺陷原子的动力学行为研究,山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖。排名:首位

  2. 量子点及其阵列薄膜体系光电性质的研究 (山东省自然科学二等奖), 排名:首位

  3. 低维纳米器件制备和物性研究 (山东省自然科学三等奖),排名:第二位

  4. 纳米量子点及其阵列体系的光电性质的研究,(山东省高等学校自然科学二等奖) 首位。

  5. 量子点和量子花样体系的物性研究(山东省高等学校自然科学二等奖) 首位。

  6. 低维复合薄膜体系的光电性质研究(山东省高等学校自然科学三等奖) 第二位。

  7. 强关联和低维体系电子态的研究(山东省教委科技进步二等奖)第三位。

  8. 量子点体系电子填充性质的研究(mk体育科技进步一等奖) 首位

  9. 量子点和量子花样体系物性的研究 (mk体育科技进步一等奖)首位

  10. 低维结构薄膜体系的光电性质研究(mk体育科技进步一等奖) 第二位。

  11. 小尺度低维体系光电性质的研究(mk体育科技进步二等奖), 首位

  12. mk体育校优秀科研人员

  13. mk体育专业技术拔尖人才

  14. 中国科学院合肥物质研究院优秀论文奖









    1. 宿晓敖, 2009年毕业,高级工程师,有研亿金新材料有限公司,销售大客户经理

    2. 李贵通, 2011年毕业,高级工程师,双环集团贝迪斯电子有限公司,合金箔电阻技术负责人

    3. 郭小青, 2012年毕业,山东烟台市第四中学高中一级教师

    4. 赵银昌, 2013年毕业,清华大学博士,mk体育教授

    5. 张晓玲, 2013年毕业,中国科学院理论物理研究所,院士科研秘书

    6. 王 森, 2014年毕业,工业工程师,昆山纬视晶光电有限公司

    7. 徐 雷, 2015年毕业,中共临沂市市委机关政务保障中心副主任

    8. 陈庆玲, 2016年毕业,西安芯瞳半导体技术有限公司项目主管

    9. 高 松, 2017年毕业,上海星燧影视传媒有限公司副总经理

    10.牛文超, 2018年毕业,北京工业大学博士,北京加科思新药研发有限公司计算化学研究员

    11.杨修先, 2019年毕业,北京理工大学博士在读,2020年山东省优秀研究生

    12.刘建业, 2020年毕业,北京工业大学博士在读,2021年山东省优秀研究生

    13.钟 琦, 2021年毕业,南开大学博士在读

    14.王巍强, 2022年毕业,北京工业大学博士在读



    Zhenhong Dai Jinzuo Sun and Jun Ni。Properties of quantum dot and quantum-dot arrays,“Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Devices”,American Scientific Publishers(美国科学出版社),Chapter 12 Vol.2.






    1.Thermal transport properties of anisotropic materials RbCaX (X = As, Sb) with strong anharmonicity,Computational Materials Science213 (2022) 111618。2022.07,Xuhao Song, Yinchang Zhao, Jun Ni, Sheng Meng , Zhenhong Dai.

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    2. The ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity dominated by the quartic anharmonicity in Bi-based binary compounds A3Bi (A = K, Rb).Europhysics Letters, 138 (2022) 56001,2022.05,Weiqiang Wang, Xichang Wang, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng and Zhenhong Dai

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    3.High thermal conductivity of carbon allotropes and its relationship withmechanical properties: A first-principles study.International Journal of Thermal Sciences176 (2022) 1074812022.02.Yanan Xiao, Junru Wang, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng, Zhenhong Dai.

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    4.Low lattice thermal conductivity of hydride-based cubic antiperovskites A3HB (a = Li, Na; B = S, se, Te) with higherorderanharmonicity correctionInternational Journalof Energy Research. 2022;1–11. 2022.02.Yanan Xiao,Pengfei Sui,Yinchang Zhao,Jun Ni,Sheng Meng,Zhenhong Dai

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    5.Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity and anisotropic thermoelectric transport propertiesin Zintl compound b-K2Te2.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2022,Tongcai Yue, Baolong Xu, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng andZhenhong Dai.

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    6. Study on the thermoelectric properties of p-type doped CsCdF3and CsHgF3with quartic anharmonicityPhysics Letters A,428(2022)1279462022.01.WeiqiangWang, MinHe, YinchangZhao, ShengMeng, ZhenhongDai.

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    7.Theoretical prediction of mechanics, transport, and thermoelectric properties of full Heusler compounds Na2KSb and X2CsSb (X = K, Rb).Physical Review B105, 184304 (2022)2022.05,TongcaiYue, Pengfei Sui, Yinchang Zhao,Jun Ni, Sheng Meng, and Zhenhong Dai.

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    8.Thermoelectric performance in the binary semiconductor compound A2Se2 (A = K, Rb) with host-guest structure.Physical Review B105, 054305 (2022).Tongcai Yue, Yuming Sun, Yinchang Zhao, Sheng Meng, and Zhenhong Dai.

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China


    1.Lattice thermal conductivity including phonon frequency shifts andscattering rates induced by quartic anharmonicity in cubic oxide and fluoride perovskites,Yinchang Zhao, Yinchang Zhao , Shuming Zeng, Geng Li, Chao Lian , Zhenhong Dai, Sheng Meng, and Jun Ni,Physical Review B104, 224304 (2021).

    通讯作者地址:Zhao, Yinchang,Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Sch Optoelect Informat Sci & Technol, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    2.Low lattice thermal conductivity and high figure of merit in n-type doped full-Heusler compounds X2YAu (X = Sr, Ba; Y = as, Sb)Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Dai, ZH*(Dai, Zhenhong) Wang, XC (Wang, Xichang)

    Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang)Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),International Journalof Energy Research,卷45期15,页20949-20958,2021.12,DOI10.1002/er.7154

    通讯作者地址:Dai, Zhenhong;Zhao, Yinchang,Yantai Univ, Sch Optoelect Informat Sci & Technol, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    3.Ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric efficiency of K3AuO,Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi),Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong),Wang, JP (Wang, Junping).Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang),Meng, S (Meng, Sheng), Journalof Applied Physics,卷130,期4,文献号045101,DOI10.1063/5.0056604

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    4.A comprehensive phonon thermal transport study of 2D hexagonal MX2 and orthorhombic M2X3 (M = Ni, Pd; X = S, Se and Te),Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Materials Today Communications卷25文献号101441,DOI10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101441,出版时间DEC 2020

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    5.Low thermal conductivity and good thermoelectric performance in mercury chalcogenides,Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Computational Materials Science,卷188,DOI10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.110192,出版时间FEB 15 2021

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    6.Two-Dimensional Conductive Metal−Organic Frameworks as HighlyEfficient Electrocatalysts for Lithium−Sulfur Batteries,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2021, 13, 61205−61214.Junru Wang, Feng Li, Zhichao Liu, Zhenhong Dai, Shuxia Gao, and Mingwen Zhao


    1.Phonon thermal transport in Janus single layer M2XY (M = Ga; X, Y = S, Se, Te): A study based on first-principles,zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S(Meng, Sheng)Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures

    卷115,文献号113683DOI10.1016/j.physe.2019.113683,出版时间JAN 2020

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    2.The structural, electronic and optic properties in a series of M2XY (M = Ga, In; X,Y = S, Se, Te) Janus monolayer materials based on GW and the Bethe-Salpeter equation,Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)EUROPEANPhysical Journal B,卷93期7DOI10.1140/epjb/e2020-100408-0出版时间JUL 13 2020

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    3.Quartic anharmonicity and ultra-low lattice thermal conductivity of alkali antimonide compounds M3Sb (M = K, Rb and Cs)Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),International Journalof Energy Research,卷45期5页6958-6965DOI10.1002/er.6284出版时间APR 2021在线发表DEC 2020

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    4.A comprehensive study of phonon thermal transport in 2D IV-VI semiconductors MX (M = Ge, Sn; X = S, Se)Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Physics Letters A,卷384期27,DOI10.1016/j.physleta.2020.126676,出版时间SEP 28 2020。

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    5.Low lattice thermal conductivity and high figure of merit in p-type doped K3IO,Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Chinese Physics B,卷29期12DOI10.1088/1674-1056/abab83,出版时间DEC 2020

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    6.First-principles study of phonon thermal transport in II-VI group graphenelike materials。Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Wang, WQ (Wang, Weiqiang) Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi)Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng),Journalof Vacuum Science & Technology A,卷38期6DOI10.1116/6.0000376, 出版时间DEC 2020

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    7.Quartic anharmonicity and anomalous thermal conductivity in cubic antiperovskites A(3)BO (A = K, Rb; B = Br, Au)Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B卷101期18DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.101.184303出版时间MAY 7 2020

    通讯作者地址Zhao, Yinchang;Dai, ZhenhongYantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    8.MgB4 trilayer film: A four-gap superconductor,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Lian, C (Lian, Chao)Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B


    9.Anomalous electronic and thermoelectric transport properties in cubic Rb3AuO antiperovskite,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B卷102期9DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.102.094314,

    出版时间SEP 28 2020



    1.The excellent TE performance of photoelectric material CdSe along with a study of Zn(Cd)Se and Zn(Cd)Te based on first-principles,Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi),Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)RSC ADVANCES卷9期44页25471-25479DOI10.1039/c9ra04748d

    出版时间AUG 18 2019

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    2.Pressure induced excellent thermoelectric behavior in skutterudites CoSb3 and IrSb3,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian)Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Niu, WC (Niu, Wenchao) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics卷21期2页851-858DOI10.1039/c8cp04301a

    出版时间JAN 14 2019

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    3.Comprehensive calculations and prominent thermoelectric properties of Li3P and Li3As,Zhong, Q (Zhong, Qi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Physics Letters A卷383期23页2802-2808DOI10.1016/j.physleta.2019.05.048

    出版时间AUG 12 2019

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    4.Two-gap and three-gap superconductivity in AlB2-based films,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) 1

    Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Ni, J (Ni, Jun)Physical Review B卷100期9DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.100.094516

    出版时间SEP 10 2019

    5. Computational predicting spin semiconductors and half metals from doped phosphorene monolayers,

    JH Feng,G Li,XF Meng,XD Jian,ZH Dai,YC Zhao,Z Zhou.Frontiers of Physicsvolume 14, Article number: 43604 (2019).10.1007/s11467-019-0904-5

    6.Ab initio study on anisotropic thermoelectric transport in ternarypnictide KZnP,Jian Liu, Yinchang Zhao Chao Lian, Zhenhong Dai , Jia-Tao Sun and Sheng Meng,J.Phys.:Mater.2 (2019) 024001https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7639/ab05ea

    通讯作者地址:E-mail: zhdai@ytu.edu.cn, jtsun@iphy.ac.cn andsmeng@iphy.ac.cn


    1.Adsorptions of metal adatoms on graphene-like BC3 and their rich electronic properties: A first-principles study,Sui, PF (Sui, Pengfei) Dai, JQ (Dai, Jiaqi) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong)Chinese Physics B卷27期9,DOI10.1088/1674-1056/27/9/097311,出版时间SEP 2018

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    2.Low lattice thermal conductivity and excellent thermoelectric behavior in Li3Sb and Li3Bi,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng), Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter卷30期42DOI10.1088/1361-648X/aade17

    出版时间OCT 24 2018

    通讯作者地址Dai, Zhenhong;Zhao, Yinchang,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    3.Lattice thermodynamic behavior in nuclear fuel ThO2 from first principles,Liu, JY (Liu, Jianye) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng).Journalof Nuclear Materials卷511页11-17DOI10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.054

    出版时间DEC 1 2018

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    4.Phonon thermal transport in monolayer FeB2 from first principles,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Computational Materials Science卷147页132-136,DOI10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.01.050

    出版时间MAY 2018

    通讯作者地址: Dai, Zhenhong, Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    5.Phonon thermal transport in a class of graphene allotropes from first principles,Yang, XX (Yang, Xiuxian) 1

    Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang)Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics卷20期23页15980-15985DOI10.1039/c8cp00987b

    出版时间JUN 21 2018

    通讯作者地址Dai, ZhenhongYantai Univ, Sch Optoelect Informat Sci & Technol, Yantai 264005, Peoples R China

    6.Multigap anisotropic superconductivity in borophenes,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Lian, C (Lian, Chao)Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),Physical Review B卷98期13,DOI10.1103/PhysRevB.98.134514,出版时间OCT 26 2018

    7.Intrinsic electronic transport and thermoelectric power factor in n-type doped monolayer MoS2,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong) Zhang, C (Zhang, Chao) Lian, C (Lian, Chao) Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming) Li, G (Li, Geng) Meng, S (Meng, Sheng)Ni, J (Ni, Jun)New Journal Of Physics,卷20,DOI10.1088/1367-2630/aab338

    出版时间APR 12 2018

    通讯作者地址Zhao, Yinchang;Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai, Peoples R China

    8.Robust quantum spin Hall state and quantum anomalous Hall state in graphenelike BC3 with adatoms,Zhao, YC (Zhao, Yinchang) Chen, X (Chen, Xi) Dai, ZH (Dai, Zhenhong),Zhang, C (Zhang, Chao),Lian, C (Lian, Chao),Zeng, SM (Zeng, Shuming),Meng, S (Meng, Sheng) Ni, J (Ni, Jun),New Journal Of Physics卷20,DOI10.1088/1367-2630/aad357

    出版时间JUL 26 2018

    通讯作者地址Zhao, Yinchang;Dai, Zhenhong,Yantai Univ, Dept Phys, Yantai, Peoples R China

    9.First-principles energy and vibration spectrumsimulations of Cr/V interacting with H in W-basedalloy in a fusion reactor,Song Gao, Yue-Lin Liu, Zhen-Hong Dai, Quan-Fu Han & Fang Ding.Journalof Nuclear Science And Technology, VOL.55, NO.2123-137.


    10.Mechanical anisotropy and ideal strength of ThBC,Xiao-Xue Qu, Kuan Cao, Hong Jiang, Yin-Chang Zhao, Zhen-Hong Dai, Yue-Hua Su, Chao Zhang.Journalof Physics And Chemistryof Solids122 (2018) 203–209./doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2018.06.030





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